[1] Jianzhi Cao, Li Ma, Pengmiao Hao*, Bifurcation analysis in a modified Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 2023, 13(5): 1–28.
[2] Jianzhi Cao, Fang Li, Pengmiao Hao*,Steady states of a diffusive predator-prey model with prey-taxis and fear effect, Boundary Value Problems, 2022:105. Doi:10.1186/s13661-022-01685-z.
[3] Jianzhi Cao*, Hongyan Sun, Pengmiao Hao, Peiguang Wang, Bifurcation and turing instability for a predator-prey model with nonlinear reaction cross-diffusion, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2021, 89(2): 1663-1677.
[4] Pengmiao Hao, Xuechen Wang, Junjie Wei*, Hopf bifurcation analysis of a diffusive single species model with stage structure and strong Allee effect. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2018, 153: 1-14.
[5] Dejun Fan*, Pengmiao Hao*, Dongyan Sun, Global stability of multi-group viral models with general incidence functions. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 2018, 76(5): 1301-1326.
[6] Dejun Fan, Pengmiao Hao, Dongyan Sun, Junjie Wei*, Global stability of multi-group SEIR epidemic models with vaccination. International Journal of Biomathematics, 2018, 11(1): 1-32.
[7] Pengmiao Hao, Xuechen Wang, Junjie Wei*, Global Hopf bifurcation of a population model with stage-structure and strong Allee effect. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series S, 2017, 10:973-993.
[8] Pengmiao Hao, Junjie Wei*, Dejun Fan, Analysis of dynamics in an eco-epidemiological model with stage structure. Advances in Difference Equations, 2016, Doi:10.1186/s13662-016-0956-6.
[9] Pengmiao Hao, Dejun Fan*, Junjie Wei, Qinghe Liu, Dynamic behaviors of a delayed HIV model with stage-structure. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2012, 17:4753-4766.
三、 科研项目:
1. 河北省自然科学基金青年项目,A2019201396,具非局部时滞和强 Allee 效应的单种群模型的稳定性和分支分析,2019.01-2021.12,4万,已结题,主持。
2. betway必威高层次人才科研启动项目,801260201242,种群模型的稳定性和分支,2018.06-2024.06,5万,在研,主持。
3. 浙江师范大学博士后科研启动项目,ZC304021906,2021.01-2023.12,10万,在研,主持。