招生基础:欢迎对深度学习、大数据处理、机器学习有兴趣的研究生报考。建议具备高等数学、概率论与统计课程基础,掌握一门编程语言(python or matlab)。现在读研究生14人。近5年,毕业并取得硕士学位研究生7名,其中2名攻读博士,员工就业方向较灵活,分别在大型IT公司、大中学教师、医院等单位入职。
[1] Qiang Hua, Liyou Chen,Chunru Dong,Pan Li, and Feng Zhang*, Deep Time-Aware Attention Neural Network for Sequential Recommendation[J]. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research. (2023 Accepted).
[2] 花强, 陈卓, 张峰, 董春茹*, 动态调整语义的词性加权多模态情感分析模型[J]. 深圳大学学报(理工版). (2023 Accepted).
[3] Qiang Hua, Pan Li, Jiashuai Zhang, Feng Zhang, and Chunru Dong*, Reparametric sampling for small object image recognition[J]. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research. (2023 online). https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217595923400092
[4] Lin Li, Feng Zhang, Jiashuai Zhang, Qiang Hua, Chunru Dong, and Cheepeng Lim, A Novel Image Clustering Algorithm Based on Supported Nearest Neighbors[J]. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science. (2023 online). https://doi.org/10.1142/S0129054122460017
[5] Feng Zhang*, Ziwei Liu, CheePeng Lim Chunru Dong Qiang Hua*, A model with pseudo-label correction and distribution alignment for image clustering[J]. Computers and Electrical Engineering. 104(2022)
[6] Feng Zhang, Lin Li, Qiang Hua*, Chunru Dong, Boon-Han Lim, Improved deep clustering model based on semantic consistency for image clustering[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems. 253(2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2022.109507
[7] Feng Zhang, Xicheng Li, CheePeng Lim, Qiang Hua, Chunru Dong*, Jun-Hai Zhai, Deep Emotional Arousal Network for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Recognition[J]. Information Fusion. 88: 296-304(2022).
[8]Qiang Hua, Liyou Chen,Pan Li*, Shipeng Zhao and Yan Li*, A Pixel-Channel Hybrid Attention Model in Image Processing[J]. Tsinghua Science and Technology. 27(5): 804-816(2022).
[9] Yan Li, Chang Liu, Suyun Zhao*, Qiang Hua*, Active partial label learning based on adaptive sample selection[J]. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. 13(6): 1603-1617(2022).
[10] 张峰, 李希城, 董春茹, 花强*. 基于深度情感唤醒网络的多模态情感分析与情绪识别[J]. 控制与决策. 37(11), 2984-2992(2022).
[11] Qiang Hua, Qian Zhang, On the global well-posedness for the 3D axisymmetric incompressible Keller-Segel-Navier-Stokes equations[J].Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik. 72:179(2021)
[12] Qiang Hua, Liyou Chen, Pan Li*, Shipeng Zhao and Yan Li*, A Novel Attention Model of Deep Learning in Image Classification [C]. In Proc. of PAAP 2020 CCIS 1362, pp. 318-330. (Best paper award)
[13] Yan Li, Jing Zhang and Qiang Hua*. Second-order Convolutional Neural Network based on Cholesky Compression Strategy [C]. PDCAT, 341-352(2020).
[14] 张峰, 钱辉, 董春茹, 花强*. 随机状态下基于期望经验回放的Q学习算法[J]. 深圳大学学报(理工版). 037(002):202-207(2020).
[15] 花强, 刘轶功, 张峰, 董春茹*. 基于Wasserstein距离的双向学习推理[J]. betway必威学报(自然科学版), 40(3): 328-336(2020).
[16] Qiang Hua, Liangliang Wei, Chunru Dong, Feng Zhang*, Improved variational inference with dynamic routing flow[J]. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. 11(2): 301-312(2020).
[17] Pan Li, Qiang Hua, Zhijun Hu, et al. Approximation algorithms for the selling with preference[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization. 40(2): 366-378 (2020).
[18] 花强, 郭欣欣, 张峰, 董春茹*. 基于随机森林的哈希检索算法[J]. 计算机科学与探索, 13(7): 1174-1183(2019).
[19] Qiang Hua, Chunru Dong, Feng Zhang*. A novel approach to face verification based on second-order face-pair representation[J]. Complexity. 1-10(2018).
[20]Qiang Hua, Yigong Liu, Lili Sun, et al. Face Recognition using Locality Preserving Projection on Wavelet Subband and Artificial Neural Network[J]. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology. 55(1):31-35 (2018).